About PKC

Premmie Knitting Club (PKC) is a registered NZ charity (CC57485) providing knitted items for NICU’s in NZ and Australia. We are a virtual tribe of knitters knitting for premature babies and fundraising for preemie related causes.

We welcome sharing of patterns, ideas and love the community that we are creating with like minded knitters and people who have a connection to the NICU.


Courtney's story

Courtney was born premature in 1990 and spent the first four months of her life in the NICU at National Womens Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. Her parents made sure that she understood from a young age how life changing the support of the Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff are for preemies and their families.

Ever since she was young, she’s always wanted to give back and help the NICU since they helped her family and her so much. 

She started her first knitting appeal around five years ago and realised there was a tribe of amazing people out there willing to help... family, friends, friends of friends, colleagues and even people she had never met but who love to knit, some wanted a cause to knit for, while others had a personal connection to the NICU.

Since 2018 with the help of some fantastic media coverage, our annual appeal has collected thousands of knits in NZ and Australia each year! It grows each year and we now receive support from a huge number of knitters.

Courtney is so grateful for the support and loves hearing all the stories about other people's personal connections to the NICU.